Sunday, December 11, 2022

.NET 7 features

.NET 7 is so versatile that you can build any app on any platform.

Let’s highlight some scenarios that you can achieve with .NET starting today:

What’s new in .NET 7

.NET 7 releases in conjunction with several other products, libraries, and platforms that include:

In this blog post, we’ll highlight the major themes the .NET Teams focused on delivering:

  • Unified
    • One BCL
    • New TFMs
    • Native support for ARM64
    • Enhanced .NET support on Linux
  • Modern
    • Continued performance improvements
    • Developer productivity enhancements, like container-first workflows
    • Build cross-platform mobile and desktop apps from same codebase
  • .NET is for cloud-native apps
    • Easy to build and deploy distributed cloud native apps
  • Simple
    • Simplify and write less code with C# 11
    • HTTP/3 and minimal APIs improvements for cloud native apps
  • Performance
    • Numerous perf improvements

.NET 7 is Available!!

Download .NET 7 today!

.NET 7 brings your apps increased performance and new features for C# 11/F# 7, .NET MAUI, ASP.NET Core/Blazor, Web APIs, WinForms, WPF and more. With .NET 7, you can also easily containerize your .NET 7 projects, set up CI/CD workflows in GitHub actions, and achieve cloud-native observability.

Thanks to the open-source .NET community for your numerous contributions that helped shape this .NET 7 release. 28k contributions made by over 8900 contributors throughout the .NET 7 release!

.NET remains one of the fastest, most loved, and trusted platforms with an expansive .NET package ecosystem that includes over 330,000 packages.

Download and Upgrade

You can download the free .NET 7 release today for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

.NET 7 provides a straightforward upgrade if you’re on a .NET Core version and several compelling reasons to migrate if you’re currently maintaining a .NET Framework version.

Visual Studio 2022 17.4 is also available today. Developing .NET 7 in Visual Studio 2022 gives developers best-in-class productivity tooling. To find out what’s new in Visual Studio 2022, check out the Visual Studio 2022 blogs.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

How to check active transactions in SQL Server

A transaction is a single unit of work. If a transaction is successful, all of the data modifications made during the transaction are committed and become a permanent part of the database.

Some times, if there are any issues we will get into this deadlock stage and we don't get any responses from database. In those cases, if you want know what are active connections going on at that point of time, will help identifying issue.

if you want to know more details about active sessions like session ID, Host Name, Login Name, Transaction ID, Transaction Name, Transaction Begin Time,Database ID,Database Name etc.

Use the below query for details,

trans.session_id AS [SESSION ID],
execSession.host_name AS [HOST NAME],login_name AS [Login NAME],
trans.transaction_id AS [TRANSACTION ID], AS [TRANSACTION NAME],tas.transaction_begin_time AS [TRANSACTION 
tds.database_id AS [DATABASE ID], AS [DATABASE NAME]
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_transactions tas
JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions trans
ON (trans.transaction_id=tas.transaction_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_tran_database_transactions tds
ON (tas.transaction_id = tds.transaction_id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.databases AS DBs
ON tds.database_id = DBs.database_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS execSession
ON trans.session_id = execSession.session_id
WHERE execSession.session_id IS NOT NULL

Saturday, November 19, 2022

How to Delete “BIN and OBJ” folders via Batch file

We had issues deleting bin and obj folders when we check in code or share code with in teams.

Here is simple batch file that we can use to delete Bin and Obj folders.

1. Create an empty file and name it DeleteBinObjFolders.bat

2. Copy-paste the below code into the DeleteBinObjFolders.bat

@echo off
@echo Deleting all BIN and OBJ folders...
for /d /r . %%d in (bin obj) do @if exist "%%d" rd /s/q "%%d"
@echo BIN and OBJ folders successfully deleted.
pause > nul

3. copy this file to your solution (*.sln) location.

4. Go to your project folder via command prompt and run this file DeleteBinObjFolders.bat file which is in the same folder with your solution (*.sln) file.

Hope this helps!