Friday, June 24, 2011

How to: Dummy Credit card # for Testing

Here are list of credit card numbers which we can use for testing purpose. You can use this numbers and give other details like year and month and cvv as dummy ones. These  works for testing purpose.

Credit Card Type

Credit Card Number

American Express


American Express


AMEX Corporate


Diners Club


Diners Club


















Monday, June 06, 2011

Difference Between Add Service Reference And Web Reference?

Service References or WCF comes from VS 2008 and above with an extension as .svc and Web References are their from the beginning as .asmx.

The main difference between WCF service and Webservice while consuming, we need to add them in solution as reference to access them.

Add Web Reference is a wrapper over wsdl.exe and can be used to create proxies for .NET 1.1 or 2.0 clients. This means we are pointing to a WCF service you have to be pointing to an endpoint that uses basicHttpBinding.

Add Service Reference is a wrapper over svcutil.exe and also creates clients proxies (and additionally web.config entries). These proxies, however, can only be consumed by .NET 3.0+ clients.

Below image will show you how to add web reference from Service Reference. Right click theService References from solution explorer, then select advance button on Add Services windowyou will get to the form as in below image and then will be able to add Web Reference via Addweb Reference window..


But there is some things which changed in VS2010 about adding web references to a class library. So in VS 2010 you cannot add Web Reference directly.  Here is how you need to do it.

From Project -> Add Service Reference ..., (From Solution Explorer, Right Click on Project, From the drop down Menu, Select Add Service Reference)


This window will appear, Click advanced,


On Add Service Settings window, Now click on Add Web Reference


This will open add Web reference window from where we can add web service. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to Add validations controls Programmatically

I was looking for some server side validation message which can done without posting back to server. I tried doing javascript and writing that script to literal control and I have been thinking of doing a better way. But here is the cool way to do this.

// Dynamically adding Validation control
RequiredFieldValidator Validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
Validator.ErrorMessage = "No data to download for your request.";
// Validation group must be specified as to which group you need to bind
Validator.ValidationGroup = "Group1";
Validator.IsValid = false;
Validator.Visible = false;

All you need to do is Depending on your need you need to change message and validation group. We need to set up validation group properly.

Happy coding Smile

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to add a ServiceThrottlingBehavior to a WCF Service?

When working with WCF especially when middle-tier client applications uses Windows Communication Foundation, you should always think about performance and take some major design decisions and tuning parameters.

By adding ServiceThrottlingbehavior in web.config we can achieve high performance using WCF. Below is the sample serivceThrottleconfiguration settings in web.config in .NET 4.0 Framework.

        <behavior name="CommonService">
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
          <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />
          <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" />
          <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentCalls="16" 
                             maxConcurrentSessions="100"   />

The main purpose for the throttling settings can be classified into the following two aspects:

  1. Controlled resource usage: With the throttling of concurrent execution, the usage of resources such as memory or threads can be limited to a reasonable level so that the system works well without hitting reliability issues.

  2. Balanced performance load: Systems always work in a balanced way when the load is controlled. If there are too much concurrent execution happening, a lot of contention and bookkeeping would happen and thus it would hurt the performance of the system.

In WCF 4, the default values of these settings are revised so that people don’t have to change the defaults in most cases. Here are the main changes:

  • MaxConcurrentSessions: default is 100 * ProcessorCount

  • MaxConcurrentCalls: default is 16 * ProcessorCount

  • MaxConcurrentInstances: default is the total of the above two, which follows the same pattern as before.

“ProcessorCount” is used as multiplier for the settings. So on a 4-proc server, you would get the default of MaxConcurrentCalls as 16 * 4 = 64. Thus the consideration is that, when you write a WCF service and you use the default settings, the service can be deployed to any system from low-end one-proc server to high-end such as 24-way server without having to change the settings. So CPU uses count as the multiplier.

Please note, these changes are for the default settings only. If you explicitly set these settings in either configuration or in code, the system would use the settings that you provided. No “ProcessCount” multiplier would be applied.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Web.config transformations in .NET 4.0

The web.config has now been refactored, and with ASP.Net 4 a lot of the settings that were previously found in the web.config file have now been moved to the machine.config file. This significantly reduces the size of the file, which I think is a great bonus.

Web.config transformations cater for moving your application between your relevant environments (e.g. DEV, QA, PROD). The transformations work on the relevant configurations you setup.
To create your own Configuration build with configuration transformations, create a new ASP.NET Web Application in Visual Studio 2010. Next, in the menu select "Build" and then "Configuration Manager". In the "Active Solution Configuration" drop down, select "New". Name the relevant configuration, for example I'm calling mine "DEV" and copying the settings from the "Debug" configuration.

Make sure "Create new project configurations" is selected. Once you click okay, you will see your Web.config file now has a "+" next to it in your solution explorer.

If you don't see the "+", build you solution, right click the web.config file and select "Add Config Transformations".
You will see for each of your build configurations there will be a "Web.[Build Configuration Name].config" file. If you open any of these files, you will see place holders for different sections of your original web.config file.

To change settings per your relevant build configuration, check out the following MSDN Article:Web.config Transformation Syntax for Web Application Project Deployment

Hope this helps.