The code below shows how to use the System.IO.DirectoryInfo function to retreive all the files in the specified location, it also show how to get the extension and other information. Here in this code sample checking for DriveType CD Rom and files in that CD Drive.
Here is a sample code snippet for doing this. Have fun!
System.IO.DriveInfo[] drives = System.IO.DriveInfo.GetDrives();string strDriverLetter = "";bool boolDriveIsReady = false;foreach (System.IO.DriveInfo drive in drives){if (drive.DriveType == System.IO.DriveType.CDRom){Console.WriteLine("Drive Name: " + drive.Name);strDriverLetter = drive.Name;boolDriveIsReady = drive.IsReady;break;}}if (boolDriveIsReady == true){boolDriveIsReady = false;DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(strDriverLetter);FileInfo[] exFiles = di.GetFiles("*.exe");foreach (FileInfo fi in exFiles){Console.WriteLine("File Name: " + fi.Name + "Extension "+ fi.Extension);if (fi.Name.ToUpper().Equals("LAUNCH.EXE")){boolDriveIsReady = true;break;}}}