Monday, April 14, 2014


We friends have developed IPL Pick’em Game site for Cricket. You might have seen Fantasy games and other Pick’em games in football and others sports. We have brought Pick’em contest to CRICKET!. Yes that’s REAL. We took IPL to next level.

CRICPICKS is a great site to play PICKS competition and win may prizes. It is a very simple game, all you need is a valid email address and pick who will win a match of the tournaments. The site provide help to do your pick. You too can join the CRIPICKS competition for FREE to play and WIN many prizes. For more details go to CRICPICKS


  1. Play against all registered users
  2. Create your own groups and play with the same group at the same time. You can create your own group and work and apartments etc. and have fun by leading your groups.
  3. Groups created by you can be managed by multiple users by making them as Moderators of your group.
  4. You can set reminders of your favorite teams matches. So need to worry that you will miss action. We take care of this for you by sending match reminders.
  5. And more over its absolutely free and you can get weekly prizes up to $ 100 or Rs 6000.00/- in cash and also you will be eligible of for Grand prize of winning a tablet this season.

Please note that you can download CRICPICKS mobile applications from Google Play and we are coming soon on Mac App Store for iTunes! 

Have fun playing CRICPICKS and good luck winning prizes!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Remove the AnchorTag Border

I have a AJAX Tab container and in that on selection its giving me a border on the Header Text of the Tab. To remove this using CSS, here is how we can do it

.ajax__tab_inner a.ajax__tab_tab{width:100%;border:0 !important;outline: none; }

a:focus { 
        outline: none; 

This is what will fix the issue. Hope this helps!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

How to change or add script tag source from C#?

Here is how we can add script to page header from code behind in c#. The reason why I am doing this is I have these JavaScript files included in master page. And when I try to give path of these files I am getting issues with absolute page when I got to other pages since I have these in master page.

and one more reason why I did is I don’t want to change this every time if deploy to different environment from QA, Stage and Production.

This is how we can do it in your master page.

string js1 = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/Scripts/jquery.cycle2.js";
string js2 = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/Scripts/jquery.countdown.js";

Literal js1script = new Literal();
js1script.Text = string.Format(
@"<script src=""{0}"" type=""text/javascript""></script>", js1);

Literal js2script = new Literal();
js2script.Text = string.Format(
@"<script src=""{0}"" type=""text/javascript""></script>", js2);

Hope this is useful!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to insert a line break in a SQL Server VARCHAR/NVARCHAR string

There are some scenarios where we need to put line breaks in the string we write back from procedure or any dynamic SQL we use.

Here is how we can do this by adding CHAR(13) or CHAR(10) in between the string we write back. This will insert carriage return(code 13) or newline feed(code 10) in the text leading to the text format as you are trying to get.

SET @ReturnMsg = 'Missing state information.' + CHAR(13) + 'This is Address line 1.'
SELECT @ReturnMsg

Monday, March 10, 2014

How to access a div or HTML controls is inside a gridview?

Here is an example of how to access a div inside the TemplateColumn of a Grid:


<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Pick" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<ItemStyle Width="60px" />
<div id="divpickstatus" runat="server">


protected void gridview_schedule_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
HtmlGenericControl divpickstatus = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Row.FindControl("divpickstatus");
Hope this helps.