Friday, October 08, 2010

Disabling User Account Control on Windows 7

Windows 7 makes it much easier to deal with UAC settings, and in fact you don’t have to completely disable UAC if you don’t want to. Just type UAC into the start menu or Control Panel search box or find how to go to UAC from my previous post.


Adjust the notification bar as per your choice. if you drag it all the way down to the bottom then it’ll be disabled entirely.

Note: Disabling UAC will lead to a less secure system, so better be warned :-)

User Account Control in Windows 7

User Account Control (UAC) helps defend your PC against hackers and malicious software. Any time a program wants to make a major change to your computer, UAC lets you know and asks for permission.

Introduced in Windows Vista, UAC is now less intrusive and more flexible. Fewer Windows 7 programs and tasks require your consent. If you have administrator privileges on your PC, you can also fine-tune UAC's notification settings in Control Panel. You can find this at Control Panel –> System and Security –> Action Center. Click on Change User Account Control Settings. (See Figure below) This window will allow user to choose when to be notified about changes in the computer.


Monday, October 04, 2010

JavaScript: Display Clock

Displaying a clock is very similar to making a countdown timer. All we have to do is to create a new date and get it's hours, minutes, and seconds.

Here is a example:

<!-- This span is where the clock will appear -->
<div id='clockDiv'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function clock() {
   var now = new Date();
   var outStr = now.getHours()+':'+now.getMinutes()+':'+now.getSeconds();

Hope this helps :-)

JavaScript: Count down Timer

This is how creating Count down timer using JavaScript with Julian dates. This code below creates two Julian dates, now and newYear. By subtracting now from newYear we get an integer which represents the difference between the two dates.

Suppose you want to know your birthday in days, hours and minutes etc. This is how you can achieve using JavaScript.

<!-- This span is where the countdown timer will appear -->
<div id='countdown'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Here's our countdown function.
function happyBirthDay() {
var now = new Date();
var newYear = new Date('October 20, '+(now.getFullYear()+1));
var diff=newYear-now;
var milliseconds=Math.floor(diff % 1000);   
var seconds=Math.floor(diff % 60);
var minutes=Math.floor(diff % 60);
var hours=Math.floor(diff % 24);
var days=Math.floor(diff);
// We'll build a display string instead of doing document.writeln
   var outStr = days + ' days, ' + hours+ ' hours, ' + minutes;
       outStr+= ' minutes, ' + seconds + ' seconds until your birthday!'; 
   // Insert our display string into the countdown span.
   // call this function again in exactly 1 second.   
// call the countdown function (will start the timer)

Hope this helps!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

HTML Codes - Characters and symbols

I have found collection of information about HTML codes, ASCII Codes, URL Encoding, URL Decoding which is helpful.

Check this URL for more information.