Friday, March 12, 2010

URL Escape Characters

What is the % Code in My URL?

In order to prevent the misinterpretation of special characters such as a space, bracket (< and >), or % in the URL (which stands for Uniform Resource Locator - it is the address you see in your browser's address bar indicating the location of the website you are visiting), browsers parse certain special characters using URL escape characters.

Table of URL Escape Characters
Character Escape Character Character Escape Character
Space %20 # %23
$ %24 % %25
& %26 @ %40
' %60 / %2F
: %3A ; %3B
< %3C = %3D
> %3E ? %3F
[ %5B \ %5C
] %5D ^ %5E
{ %7B | %7C
} %7D ~ %7E


Good Coding Practice

It is good coding practice to avoid the need for URL escape characters. As a rule of thumb, avoid using the special characters above when formulating a URI string (filename), and I recommend using the hyphen (-) instead of the underscore (_) (as all search engines recognize the hyphen as a space separator, but the same is not true for the underscore; and older browsers do not correctly interpret the underscore in CSS). If you must use the above characters make sure to escape them using the above escape characters so when the browser parses your code it will not misinterpret the link. It's important to note that these URL escape characters differ from HTML escape characters.

Which ajax control toolkit version?

You need the Toolkit version 1.0.20229.0, the dll's are targeted to .NET 2.0 and you need also the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0 for .NET 2.0.

Monday, March 01, 2010

FireAtlas – Firebug for ASP.NET

FireAtlas is a Firebug extension dedicated to ASP.NET AJAX. It enables tracing of PageRequestManager events, Partial Updates and WebService calls.
It lists all ASP.NET Ajax components instantiated in a page.


FireAtlas will provide you with useful services when developing ASP.NET AJAX web sites:
* PageRequestManager events tracing
* WebService calls tracing and inspection
* Partial Update inspection within Firebug Net Panel
* ASP.NET Components listing

This add-on can be downloaded here.

Here are the extensions available for Firebug.

Facebook Toolkit for Microsoft Developers

Build your own FaceBook applications with ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WinForms or Silverlight !

Read More

Download the SDK

  • Facebook.dll: This is the main assembly that will be used by all applications. This has all the logic to handle communication with the Facebook application. This assembly also has specific support of XAML applications (Silverlight and WPF) to enhance the Facebook platform to make databinding and data caching easier.
  • Facebook.Silverlight.dll: This is the Silverlight version of the main assembly that will be used by all Silverlight applications. This has all the logic to handle communication with the Facebook application. This assembly also has specific support of XAML applications to enhance the Facebook platform to make databinding and data caching easier.
  • Facebook.Web.dll: This assembly should be used by Canvas applications. The main functionality supported in this assembly is to encapsulate the handshake between the Facebook application and a canvas application (both FBML and IFrame)
  • Facebook.Web.Mvc.dll: Provide a support building canvas applications using ASP.NET MVC. Separated from Facebook.Web.dll to avoid all developers from needing to install the MVC bits.
  • Facebook.Winforms.dll: This assembly provides support for writing Facebook applications using Winform technology. This provides a Component that wraps the API to make it easier to use from Winforms. This also contains some user controls to help display Facebook data easily.

ASP.NET page lifecycle events

Events that raise while execution of page in ASP.NET


  1. Begin PreInit
  2. End PreInit
  3. Begin Init
  4. End Init
  5. Begin InitComplete
  6. End InitComplete
  7. Begin LoadState
  8. End LoadState
  9. Begin ProcessPostData
  10. End ProcessPostData
  11. Begin PreLoad
  12. End PreLoad
  13. Begin Load
  14. End Load
  15. Begin ProcessPostData (Again)
  16. End ProcessPostData (Again)
  17. Begin Raise ChangedEvents
  18. End Raise ChangedEvents
  19. Begin Raise PostBackEvent
  20. End Raise PostBackEvent
  21. Begin LoadComplete
  22. End LoadComplete
  23. Begin PreRender
  24. End PreRender
  25. Begin PreRenderComplete
  26. End PreRenderComplete
  27. Begin SaveState
  28. End SaveState
  29. Begin SaveStateComplete
  30. End SaveStateComplete
  31. Begin Render
  32. End Render

If (!IsPostBack)

  1. Begin PreInit
  2. End PreInit
  3. Begin Init
  4. End Init
  5. Begin InitComplete
  6. End InitComplete
  7. Begin PreLoad
  8. End PreLoad
  9. Begin Load
  10. End Load
  11. Begin LoadComplete
  12. End LoadComplete
  13. Begin PreRender
  14. End PreRender
  15. Begin PreRenderComplete
  16. End PreRenderComplete
  17. Begin SaveState
  18. End SaveState
  19. Begin SaveStateComplete
  20. End SaveStateComplete
  21. Begin Render
  22. End Render

Check this URL to understand complete ASP.NET Page Object Model