Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Date Formats in SQL Server
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Limiting the File Upload Size in ASP.NET
By default, the maximum size of a file to be uploaded to a server using the ASP.NET FileUpload control is 4MB. You cannot upload anything that is larger than this limit.
To change this size limit, you have to make some changes in the application's web.config:
maxRequestLength - Attribute limits the file upload size for ASP.NET application. This limit can be used to prevent denial of service attacks (DOS) caused by users posting large files to the server. The size specified is in kilobytes. As mentioned earlier, the default is "4096" (4 MB). Max value is "1048576" (1 GB) for .NET Framework 1.0/1.1 and "2097151" (2 GB) for .NET Framework 2.0.
executionTimeout - Attribute indicates the maximum number of seconds that a request is allowed to execute before being automatically shut down by the application. The executionTimeout value should always be longer than the amount of time that the upload process can take.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
How Get Start and End days of a week/month?
DECLARE @SchDate datetime
SET @SchDate = getdate()
-- Gets Week Start Day
SELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 6, @SchDate), 6) AS WeekStart
-- Gets Week End day
SELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 5, @SchDate), 5) AS WeekEnd
-- Gets Month Start Day
SELECT dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, @SchDate), 0) AS MonthStart
-- Gets Month End Day
SELECT dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, dateadd(m, 1 ,@SchDate)), -1) AS MonthEnd
Friday, February 27, 2009
TSQL List of table and size in SQL database
I found this on searching for list of tables.
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND > 100
AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
ORDER BY X.[name]