Tuesday, February 17, 2009

JavaScript - Confirm OK Cancel - Yes No

just cam across a post, brilliant way to change the confirm box from ok / cancel to yes / no.

Well it doesn't work in Mozilla though, it returns ok / cancel only


<script language=javascript>

/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_win32 && @_jscript_version>=5)

function window.confirm(str)
execScript('n = msgbox("'+str+'","4132")', "vbscript");
return(n == 6);

@end @*/
var r = confirm("Can you do it?");

Monday, October 20, 2008

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (Brief Overview)


What is the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0?
The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 (formerly WinFX), is the new managed code programming model for Windows.

It combines the power of the .NET Framework 2.0 with four new technologies:
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF),
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF),
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), and
Windows CardSpace (WCS, formerly “InfoCard”).

Use the .NET Framework 3.0 today to build applications that have visually compelling user experiences, seamless communication across technology boundaries, the ability to support a wide range of business processes, and an easier way to manage your personal information online. This is the same great WinFX technology you know and love, now with a new name that identifies it for exactly what it is – the next version of Microsoft’s development framework.

What is Windows Communication Foundation ?
The Windows Communication Foundation (previously codenamed "Indigo") is Microsoft's unified framework for building
secure, reliable, transacted, and interoperable distributed applications.

What is Windows Presentation Foundation ?

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is the next-generation presentation sub-system for Windows.

It provides developers and designers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences that incorporate UI, media, and documents.

What is Windows Workflow Foundation?

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is the programming model, engine and tools for quickly building workflow enabled applications.

WF radically enhances a developer’s ability to model and support business processes.

Windows Workflow Foundation is a part of the .NET Framework 3.0 that enables developers to create workflow enabled applications. It consists of the following parts:

Activity Model:
Activities are the building blocks of workflow, think of them as a unit of work that needs to be executed.

Activities are easy to create, either from writing code or by composing them from other activities. Out of the box, there are a set of activities provided that mainly provide structure, such as parallel execution, if/else, call web service.

Workflow Designer:
This is the design surface that you see within Visual Studio, and it allows for the graphical composition of workflows, by placing activities within the workflow model.
One interesting feature of the designer is that it can be re-hosted within any Windows Forms application.

Workflow Runtime:
Our runtime is a light-weight and extensible engine that executes the activities which make up a workflow.

The runtime is hosted within any .NET process, enabling developers to bring workflow to anything from a Windows Forms application to an ASP.NET web site or a Windows Service.

Rules Engine:
Windows Workflow Foundation has a rules engine which enables declarative, rule-based development for workflows and any .NET application to use.

Windows Workflow Foundation will be released as part of the .NET Framework 3.0 which is part of the Windows Vista release. The .NET Framework 3.0 will be available for Windows XP as well as Windows Server 2003

What is Windows Card Space ?
Windows CardSpace enables users to provide their digital identities in a familiar, secure and easy way.

In the physical world we use business cards, credit cards and membership cards.

Online with CardSpace we use a variety of virtual cards to identify ourselves, each retrieving data from an identity provider. Don't struggle with usernames and passwords, just choose an information card!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Microsoft Expression Blend

Expression Blend 2 SP1 (which is an evolution of the Blend 2.5 previews) provides rich authoring support for Silverlight 2. Building on the earlier Blend 2.5 releases, this Service Pack provides designers with even more control over the visual and interaction design for rich interactive web applications.

New platform functionality exposed:
  • Control Skinning offers designers the ability to edit templates for customizing controls, or to create new templates from scratch for complete expressive freedom and component reusability.
  • Visual State Manager gives designers the power to precisely specify how each element of a control looks and behaves in each state of the interaction model, including transitions.
  • Font Embedding and Subsetting provides designers an easy way to present text consistently to users.

Download Microsoft Expression Blend™ 2 Service Pack 1

Microsoft® Expression Blend™ 2 is the professional design tool used to create engaging Web-connected experiences for Microsoft® Windows®. The Expression Blend 2.5 June 2008 Preview allows you to create Microsoft® Silverlight™ 2-based applications

Download Microsoft Expression Blend 2.5 June 2008

Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008

Silverlight Tools Beta 2 has been updated to support Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta is no longer supported.

Click here to download

List of some Cellular Providers and their gateways

List of some Cellular Providers and their gateways
  • 3River Wireless - @sms.3rivers.net
  • AT&T Wireless - @mobile.att.net
  • Andhra Pradesh Airtel - @airtelap.com
  • Andhra Pradesh Idea Cellular - @ideacellular.net
  • Alltel PCS - @message.alltel.com
  • Alltel - @alltelmessage.com
  • Arch Wireless - @archwireless.net
  • BeeLine GSM - @sms.beemail.ru 
  • BeeLine (Moscow) - @sms.gate.ru 
  • Bell Canada - @txt.bellmobility.ca
  • Bell Canada -@bellmobility.ca
  • Bell Atlantic - @message.bam.com 
  • Bell South - @sms.bellsouth.com 
  • Bell South - @wireless.bellsouth.com
  • Bell South - @blsdcs.net
  • Bite GSM (Lithuania) - @sms.bite.lt
  • Bluegrass Cellular  - @sms.bluecell.com 
  • BPL mobile - @bplmobile.com 
  • Celcom (Malaysia) - @sms.celcom.com.my
  • Cellular One - @mobile.celloneusa.com
  • Cellular One East Cost - @phone.cellone.net
  • Cellular One South West - @swmsg.com
  • Cellular One - @mobile.celloneusa.com 
  • Cellular One - @cellularone.txtmsg.com 
  • Cellular One - @cellularone.textmsg.com
  • Cellular South - @csouth1.com 
  • Cellular One - @message.cellone-sf.com 
  • Cellular One - @sbcemail.com
  • CenturyTel - @messaging.centurytel.net 
  • Cingular - @mobile.mycingular.net 
  • Cingular Wirelss - @mycingular.textmsg.com
  • Cingular Wirelss - @mobile.mycingular.net 
  • Clearnet - @msg.clearnet.com
  • Comcast - @comcastpcs.textmsg.com
  • CZECH EuroTel - @sms.eurotel.cz 
  • CZECH Paegas - @sms.paegas.cz 
  • Chennai Skycell / Airtel - @airtelchennai.com
  • Chennai RPG Cellular - @rpgmail.net
  • Comviq GSM Sweden- @sms.comviq.se 
  • Corr Wireless Communications - @corrwireless.net 
  • D1 De TeMobil  - @t-d1-sms.de
  • D2 Mannesmann Mobilefunk - @d2-message.de
  • DT T-Mobile - @t-mobile-sms.de
  • Delhi Airtel - @airtelmail.com 
  • Delhi Hutch - @delhi.hutch.co.in
  • Dobson-Cellular One - @mobile.cellularone.com 
  • Dobson Cellular Systems - @mobile.dobson.net 
  • Edge Wireless - @sms.edgewireless.com 
  • E-Plus (Germany) - @eplus.de
  • EMT - @sms.emt.ee
  • Eurotel (Czech Republic) - @sms.eurotel.cz
  • Europolitan  Sweden - @europolitan.se
  • Escotel - @escotelmobile.com 
  • Estonia EMT - @sms-m.emt.ee 
  • Estonia RLE - @rle.ee 
  • Estonia Q GSM - @qgsm.ee 
  • Estonia Mobil Telephone - @sms.emt.ee 
  • Fido - @fido.ca
  • Georgea geocell - @sms.ge 
  • Goa BPLMobil - @bplmobile.com
  • Golden Telecom - @sms.goldentele.com 
  • Golden Telecom (Kiev, Ukraine only) - @sms.gt.kiev.ua 
  • GTE - @messagealert.com 
  • GTE - @airmessage.net 
  • Gujarat Idea - @ideacellular.net
  • Gujarat Airtel - @airtelmail.com 
  • Gujarat Celforce / Fascel - @celforce.com 
  • Goa Airtel - @airtelmail.com 
  • Goa BPLMobil - @bplmobile.com
  • Goa Idea Cellular  - @ideacellular.net
  • Haryana Airtel - @airtelmail.com
  • Haryana Escotel - @escotelmobile.com 
  • Himachal Pradesh Airtel - @airtelmail.com
  • Houston Cellular - @text.houstoncellular.net
  • Hungary Pannon GSM - @sms.pgsm.hu 
  • Idea Cellular - @ideacellular.net 
  • Inland Cellular Telephone - @inlandlink.com 
  • Israel Orange IL - @shiny.co.il 
  • Karnataka Airtel - @airtelkk.com 
  • Kerala Airtel - @airtelmail.com
  • Kerala Escotel - @escotelmobile.com
  • Kerala BPL Mobile  - @bplmobile.com 
  • Kyivstar  (Kiev Ukraine only) - @sms.kyivstar.net
  • Kyivstar - @smsmail.lmt.lv 
  • Kolkata Airtel - @airtelkol.com
  • Latvia Baltcom GSM - @sms.baltcom.lv 
  • Latvia TELE2 - @sms.tele2.lv 
  • LMT - @smsmail.lmt.lv 
  • Madhya Pradesh Airtel  - @airtelmail.com
  • Maharashtra Idea Cellular - @ideacellular.net
  • MCI Phone - @mci.com
  • Meteor - @mymeteor.ie 
  • Metro PCS - @mymetropcs.com
  • Metro PCS - @metorpcs.sms.us
  • MiWorld - @m1.com.sg
  • Mobileone - @m1.com.sg
  • Mobilecomm - @mobilecomm.net
  • Mobtel  Srbija - @mobtel.co.yu
  • Mobitel (Tanazania) - @sms.co.tz 
  • Mobistar Belgium - @mobistar.be
  • Mobility Bermuda - @ml.bm
  • Movistar (Spain)  - @correo.movistar.net
  • Maharashtra Airtel - @airtelmail.com
  • Maharashtra BPL Mobile - @bplmobile.com
  • Manitoba Telecom Systems - @text.mtsmobility.com 
  • Mumbai Orange - @orangemail.co.in
  • MTC - @sms.mts.ru 
  • Mumbai BPL Mobile - @bplmobile.com
  • MTN (South Africa only ) - @sms.co.za 
  • MiWorld ( Singapore)  - @m1.com.sg 
  • NBTel - @wirefree.informe.ca
  • Netcom GSM (Norway)- @sms.netcom.no
  • Nextel - @messaging.nextel.com 
  • Nextel - @nextel.com.br 
  • NPI Wireless - @npiwireless.com 
  • Ntelos -  number@pcs.ntelos.com
  • One Connect Austria - @onemail.at
  • OnlineBeep - @onlinebeep.net
  • Omnipoint - @omnipointpcs.com 
  • Optimus (Portugal)  - @sms.optimus.pt
  • Orange - NL / Dutchtone - @sms.orange.nl 
  • Orange - @orange.net 
  • Oskar - @mujoskar.cz
  • Pacific Bell - @pacbellpcs.net
  • PCS One - @pcsone.net
  • Pioneer / Enid Cellular - @msg.pioneerenidcellular.com 
  • PlusGSM (Poland only) - @text.plusgsm.pl
  • P&T Luxembourg - @sms.luxgsm.lu
  • Poland PLUS GSM - @text.plusgsm.pl
  • Pondicherry BPL Mobile - @bplmobile.com
  • Primco - @primeco@textmsg.com 
  • Primtel - @sms.primtel.ru 
  • Public Service Cellular - @sms.pscel.com 
  • Punjab Airtel - @airtelmail.com
  • Qwest - @qwestmp.com
  • Riga LMT - @smsmail.lmt.lv 
  • Rogers AT&T Wireless - @pcs.rogers.com
  • Safaricom - @safaricomsms.com
  • Satelindo GSM - @satelindogsm.com
  • Simobile (Slovenia) -  @simobil.net
  • SCS-900 - @scs-900.ru
  • Sunrise Mobile - @mysunrise.ch
  • Sunrise Mobile - @freesurf.ch
  • SFR France - @sfr.fr
  • Southwestern Bell - @email.swbw.com 
  • Sonofon  Denmark - @note.sonofon.dk
  • Sprint PCS - @messaging.sprintpcs.com
  • Sprint - @sprintpaging.com
  • Swisscom - @bluewin.ch
  • Swisscom - @bluemail.ch
  • Telecom Italia Mobile (Italy) - @posta.tim.it
  • Telenor Mobil  Norway - @mobilpost.com
  • Telecel (Portugal) - @sms.telecel.pt
  • Tele2 - sms.tele2.lv
  • Tele Danmark Mobil - @sms.tdk.dk
  • Telus - @msg.telus.com
  • Telenor - @mobilpost.no 
  • Telia Denmark - @gsm1800.telia.dk
  • TIM - @timnet.com
  • TMN (Portugal) - @mail.tmn.pt
  • T-Mobile Austria - @sms.t-mobile.at
  • T-Mobile Germany - @t-d1-sms.de 
  • T-Mobile UK - @t-mobile.uk.net
  • T-Mobile USA - @tmomail.net
  • Triton - @tms.suncom.com 
  • Tamil Nadu Aircel - @airsms.com
  • Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile - @bplmobile.com
  • UMC GSM - @sms.umc.com.ua
  • Unicel - @utext.com
  • Uraltel - @sms.uraltel.ru
  • US Cellular - @email.uscc.net 
  • US West - @uswestdatamail.com 
  • Uttar Pradesh (West) Escotel - @escotelmobile.com
  • Verizon - @vtext.com
  • Verizon PCS - @myvzw.com
  • Vodafone Omnitel (Italy) - @vizzavi.it
  • Vodafone Italy - @sms.vodafone.it 
  • Vodafone Japan - @c.vodafone.ne.jp 
  • Vodafone Japan - @h.vodafone.ne.jp 
  • Vodafone Japan - @t.vodafone.ne.jp 
  • Vodafone Spain - @vodafone.es 
  • Vodafone UK - @vodafone.net 
  • West Central Wireless - @sms.wcc.net
  • Western Wireless - @cellularonewest.com