Showing posts with label SQL Server v.Next. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Server v.Next. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Get Current TimeZone Name in SQL Server

Here is how we can get current time zone from sql server

'TimeZoneKeyName',@TimeZone OUT
SELECT @TimeZone

Friday, June 08, 2018

Determining which version and edition of SQL Server Database Engine is running

Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to SQL Server. Run below query to find version and edition of SQL server.

    SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as 'Product Version', 
    SERVERPROPERTY('productlevel') as 'Product Level',  
    SERVERPROPERTY('edition') as 'Product Edition',
    SERVERPROPERTY('buildclrversion') as 'CLR Version',
    SERVERPROPERTY('collation') as 'Default Collation',
    SERVERPROPERTY('instancename') as 'Instance',
    SERVERPROPERTY('lcid') as 'LCID',
    SERVERPROPERTY('servername') as 'Server Name'

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

SQL Server next version CTP 1.3 now available

Microsoft announced a new preview for the next version of SQL Server (SQL Server v.Next). Community Technology Preview (CTP) 1.3 is available on both Windows and Linux.

In this preview, Microsoft has added several feature enhancements to High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR), including the ability to run Always On Availability Groups on Linux. You can try the preview in your choice of development and test environments now:

Get started with the preview of SQL Server with developer tutorials that show you how to install and use SQL Server v.Next on macOS, Docker, Windows and Linux and quickly build an app in a programming language of your choice.

The Early Adoption Program is designed to help customers and partners evaluate new features in SQL Server v.Next, and to build and deploy applications for SQL Server v.Next on Windows and Linux. Sign up for the Early Adoption Program (EAP)