Showing posts with label Fauna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fauna. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Flora and Fauna in Telangana State

Flora and Fauna in Telangana State

Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring or indigenous—native plant life. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota.

Telangana State is known for its rich heritage in biological diversity distributed in 9 agro climatic regions. Among the flora, the state harbours a total of 2,800 taxa belonging to 1,051 genera under 185 families.

Popular flora in Telangana -

Abrus precatorius


Abutilon indicum


Alangium salvifolium


Barleria cristata


Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Popular fauna in Telangana -



Spotted Deer


Barking Deer


Four-horned Antelope - Black buck 




Medical Plants in Telangana

Alstonia Scholaris


Bacopa Monnieri


Garcinia Indica Choisy


Plantago Ovata


Climatic conditions and eco system of Telangana

The climate of Hyderabad features an arid climate. The days are hot and dry, usually going up to extreme highs of 40 °C (104 °F), while the nights are cool and breezy. Winds usually bring along clouds of dust, and people prefer staying indoors in the daytime, while the breezes at night are pleasant and clean.

Flora and Fauna in Haryana

Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular region or time, generally the naturally occurring or indigenous—native plant life. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota.

A thorny dry deciduous forest, Among the flora, pine and thorny shrubs can be found all over the state. Chief trees are mulberry, eucalyptus, pine, kikar, sheesham and babul, and during the monsoon a carpet of grass covers the hills which makes them excellent grazing ground for black buck and nilgai (blue bull).

Among the flora,





Among the fauna, A lone tiger or panther can be spotted on occasion, while foxes, mongooses, jackals and wild dogs are aplenty.









Medical Plants in Haryana


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Climatic conditions and eco system of Haryana

Most of the year, the climate of Haryana is of a pronounced continental character, very hot in summer and markedly cold in winter. In between are the pleasant months of spring. The rainfall in the region is low and erratic except in parts of Karnal, Kurukshetra and Ambala Districts.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Introduction to Flora and Fauna in Telangana & Harayana

The ecosystem is a complex, interconnected network comprising biotic and abiotic elements. Biotic elements include all living organisms such as plants, animals and microorganisms.

Abiotic components, on the other hand, include non-living entities that are vital for the survival of life and these include soil, water, climate, etc. Among all biotic elements, Flora and Fauna are the most fascinating ones.

Flora and Fauna Meaning

In a nutshell, the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.

Flora Meaning

The term flora in Latin means “Goddess of the Flower.” Flora is a collective term for a group of plant life found in a particular region. The whole plant kingdom is represented by this name.

Fauna Meaning

Fauna represents the animal life indigenous to a region. There are many explanations regarding the origin of the word. As per Roman mythology, Fauna or “Faunus” is the name of the goddess of fertility. Another source is “Fauns” which means “Forest spirits.

What is the difference between flora and fauna?

Flora refers to all plant life and fauna refers to all animal life.  Fauna cannot prepare their own food so they depend upon the flora for their food

Some examples of flora and fauna.

Some examples of flora include- grasslands, forests, flowering and non-flowering plants and trees.
A few examples of fauna include- birds, animals, fish, insects, etc.

Importance of Flora and Fauna

Flora and fauna are very important for human existence.  They help Maintaining Ecological Balance,

Aesthetic Value and even Expansion of Local Economies

Flora and Fauna In Telangana

Telangana State is known for its rich heritage in biological diversity distributed in 9 agro climatic regions. Among the flora, the state harbors a total of 2,800 taxa belonging to 1,051 genera under 185 families. This accounts for 16% of the Angiosperms known from India. Of these, 2,071 species belonging to 150 families and 796 genera are Dicotyledons and 729 species belonging to 255 genera and 35 families are Monocotyledons.

Among the fauna, Telangana State is rich with 108 species of mammals that include Tiger, Leopard, Sloth Bear, Giant Squirrel, Hyena, Fox, Wild Dog, Wild Boar, Indian Bison(Gaur), Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Black Buck, Four-horned Antelope, Blue Bull, Sambar, Mouse Deer, Honey Badger, Civets,Jungle Cats, Otter, Pangolin, Bats, Tree Shrew, Common Langur,etc.

Flora and Fauna In Harayana

A thorny dry deciduous forest, Among the flora, pine and thorny shrubs can be found all over the state. Chief trees are mulberry, eucalyptus, pine, kikar, sheesham and babul, and during the monsoon a carpet of grass covers the hills which makes them excellent grazing ground for black buck and nilgai (blue bull).

Among the fauna, A lone tiger or panther can be spotted on occasion, while foxes, mongooses, jackals and wild dogs are aplenty.