Showing posts with label DBMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DBMS. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Types of Keys in DBMS

Here are the key points about different types of keys in the relational model:

1. Candidate Key:
   - It is a minimal set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple.
   - Every table must have at least one candidate key.
   - A table can have multiple candidate keys but only one primary key.
   - The value of the candidate key is unique and may be null for a tuple.

2. Primary Key:
   - It is a unique key that can identify only one tuple at a time.
   - It cannot have duplicate or null values.
   - It can be composed of more than one column.

3. Super Key:
   - It is a set of attributes that can uniquely identify a tuple.
   - Adding zero or more attributes to the candidate key generates the super key.

4. Alternate Key:
   - It is a candidate key other than the primary key.
   - All keys which are not primary keys are called alternate keys.

5. Foreign Key:
   - It acts as a primary key in one table and as a secondary key in another table.
   - It combines two or more relations at a time.

6. Composite Key:
   - It is used when a single attribute does not uniquely identify all the records in a table.
   - It is composed of multiple attributes and used together to uniquely identify rows in a table.

These types of keys are essential in database management systems as they help in distinct identification, relation development, and maintaining data integrity between tables.