Thursday, September 14, 2023

How to locate and replace special characters in an XML file with Visual C# .NET

We can use the SecurityElement.Escape method to replace the invalid XML characters in a string with their valid XML equivalent. The following table shows the invalid XML characters and their respective replacements

Character Name Entity Reference Character Reference Numeric Reference
Ampersand & & &
Left angle bracket < < <
Right angle bracket > > >
Straight quotation mark " " '
Apostrophe ' ' "

Sample Usage of this Escape method.

srtXML = SecurityElement.Escape(strXML);

For this you need to import System.Security namespace. Alternatively you can also use this simple replace method with all special characters in a single method like below

public string EscapeXml(string s)
    string toxml = s;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toxml))
        // replace special chars with entities
        toxml = toxml.Replace("&", "&");
        toxml = toxml.Replace("'", "'");
        toxml = toxml.Replace("\"", """);
        toxml = toxml.Replace(">", ">");
        toxml = toxml.Replace("<", "&lt;");
    return toxml;

Hope this is useful!

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