Monday, June 04, 2018

Quick note: What does spherical, cylindrical, and axis mean in an eyeglass prescription?

  • Spherical (or sphere): Specifies if you’re have either myopia or hyperopia.
    • Prescriptions with myopia (i.e. are nearsighted) will have a MINUS symbol followed by a number (that indicates the amount)
    • Prescriptions with hyperopia (i.e. are farsighted) will have a PLUS symbol followed by a number (which also indicates the amount).
  • Cylindrical (or cyl): Ever heard of the word astigmatism? If you have a number in this column, guess what, you have some form of astigmatism.
    • Depending on the doctor you see, you may have a MINUS symbol here (if you see an optometrist) or a PLUS symbol here (if you see an ophthalmologist) followed by a number (that indicates the amount).
  • Axis: This number indicates the orientation of where your astigmatism is located. This number will be between 0 to 180 degrees and can change over time.
  • Add: This number is for patients that have presbyopia (or focusing/accommodative trouble) and need a bifocal. It provides focusing relieve and will have a PLUS symbol followed by a number (typically between +0.75 and +2.50).

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