Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to access ViewState of one page in another page in Asp.Net?

You can't access ViewState of one page from another page directly. If you want to access a particular ViewState value then you can pass the value in Context collection and then access the value in other page.

In Page 1:

Context.Items.Add("employee" ,ViewState["employee"].ToString());

In Page 2:

string employeeName = Context.Items["employee"].ToString();

Hope this helps!

How to: Disable Button after Click while maintaining CausesValidation and an OnClick-Method

Here is how you can do it by adding these two lines in your code behind to prevent multiple clicks on a button.

string strProcessScript = "if (!Page_ClientValidate()){ return false; } else{ this.value='Processing...';this.disabled=true; }";
CheckOutButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", strProcessScript + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(CheckOutButton, "").ToString());

If you have ASP.NET Validation controls in your page, then you might need to do this by adding specific validation group to Page_ClientValidate method.

string strProcessScript = "if (!Page_ClientValidate('PaymentValidationGroup')){ return false; } else{ this.value='Processing...';this.disabled=true; }";
CheckOutButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", strProcessScript + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(CheckOutButton, "").ToString());
Only thing you need to change in ASPX is to add following attribute in ASP Button code UseSubmitBehavior="false"
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="PaymentCheckOutButton" ValidationGroup="PaymentValidationGroup"                                          
Text="Proceed to Checkout" UseSubmitBehavior="false" class="btn btn-primary btn-cons pull-right" OnClick="PaymentCheckOutButton_Click" />
Hope this helps!!

Saturday, January 03, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

I wish you and your family a happy, healthy New Year. I hope that 2015 is a year of dreams fulfilled and happiness achieved. I hope all of us are able to meet the inevitable challenges and setbacks with heart and fortitude. May 2015 bring you all great happiness, health, and prosperity.


Thank you so much for being with me & thank you so much for your kindness & care.