Sunday, August 24, 2014

How To Copy Content From a protected Webpage

Sometimes it is very annoying when you want to copy any news or article or anything that you want to save and when you right clicks on it but it shows “Right click disabled”. Here are some tips that can be useful on different browsers

For Mozilla FireFox:

Step 1: Open any website that have blocked your right click.
Step 2: Go to Tools>Options>Content
Step 3: Uncheck the box “Enable JavaScript”
Step 4: Click OK

For Internet Explorer:

Step 1: Open the site.
Step 2: Go to Tools>Internet options>Security
Step 3: Now Click on Custom Level
Step 4: Now find Scripting Section it will be around the end.
Step 5: Now disable Active Scripting.This will disable JavaScript and vbscript in your browser.
Step 6:Click on OK.

For Google Chrome:

Step 1: Open the site.
Step 2: Go to settings.
Step 3: Expand Show Advance settings, On Privacy tab.Click on Content Settings.
Step 4: Disable java script and open the website.

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