There are different ways to get current page filename using c#. Here are 3 methods you can use for your advantage.
Method 1
string currentPageFileName = new FileInfo(this.Request.Url.LocalPath).Name;
Method 2
string sPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
string[] strarry = sPath.Split('/');
int lengh = strarry.Length;
string sReturnPage = strarry[lengh - 1];
Method 3
string absPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(absPath);
string fileName = finfo.Name;
Out of these I like Method 1 and 3 as its straight forward. Use a per your advantage. Good luck.
nice post..very useful