Monday, February 07, 2011

Different types of status in Bug report

Here is the description of all the status with its brief description

1. Bug: When QA files new bug.

2. Deferred: If the bug is not related to current build or cannot be fixed in this release or bug is not important to fix immediately then the project manager can set the bug status as deferred.

3. Assigned: ‘Assigned to’ field is set by project lead or manager and assigns bug to developer.

4. In Process: This is the state of issue when Developer starts working on the assigned issue.

5. Resolved/Fixed: When developer makes necessary code changes and verifies the changes then he/she can make bug status as ‘Fixed’ and the bug is passed to testing team.

6. Could not reproduce: If developer is not able to reproduce the bug by the steps given in bug report by QA then developer can mark the bug as ‘CNR’. QA needs action to check if bug is reproduced and can assign to developer with detailed reproducing steps.

7. Need more information: If developer is not clear about the bug reproduce steps provided by QA to reproduce the bug, then he/she can mark it as “Need more information’. In this case QA needs to add detailed reproducing steps and assign bug back to dev for fix.

8. Reopen: If QA is not satisfy with the fix and if bug is still reproducible even after fix then QA can mark it as ‘Reopen’ so that developer can take appropriate action.

9. Closed: If bug is verified by the QA team and if the fix is ok and problem is solved then QA can mark bug as ‘Closed’.

10. Rejected/Invalid: Sometimes developer or team lead can mark the bug as Rejected or invalid if the system is working according to specifications and bug is just due to some misinterpretation.

11. Not a Bug: If the reported issue is not a bug or not for the current build then project lead or manager will set the status to 'NAB'

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