Thursday, December 09, 2010

Silverlight: MessageBox with Title, OK, and Cancel Buttons

A message box is a dialog box that is used to display an alert or a message. A message box can have a title and multiple options such as Yes/No or  OK/Cancel. A message box can also have some input control to take input from a user.

The MessageBox class in WPF represents a modal message box dialog, which is defined in the System.Windows namespace. The Show static method of the MessageBox is the only method that is used to display a message box. The Show method returns a MessageBoxResult enumeration that has values OK, Cancel, Yes, and No. We can use MessageBoxResult to find out what button was clicked on a MessageBox and take an appropriate action.

The following code snippet creates a MessageBox with a message, a title, and two OK and Cancel buttons.

 MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this Deposit?",
                                    "Delete", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
      if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)
         // do if your result is OK
         // do if result is cancel

Hope this help Smile

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