Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tips & Tricks : Visual Studio

Shortcuts Its fun and helpful. They are helpful for faster development and easy. Here are the few shortcuts that we use regularly.

Usage C# Key Description
View.ShowSmartTag CTRL + .  
Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE  
Edit.Find CTRL + F Quick find
Edit.IncrementalSearch CTRL + I Incremental find
Edit.FindInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + F Find in files
Edit.Replace CTRL + H Quick replace
Edit.ReplaceInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + H Replace in files
Edit.GotoNextLocation F8 Go to next location (in search results)
Edit.GotoPrevLocation SHIFT + F8 Go to previous location (in search results)
Edit.FindNext F3 Repeat search
Edit.FindPrevious SHIFT + F3 Search previous
Edit.FindNextSelected CTRL + F3 Search for next with selected text
Edit.FindPreviousSelected CTRL + SHIFT + F3 Search for previous with selected text
View.NavigateBackward CTRL + - Go back to previous location (Browser-style)
View.NavigateForward CTRL + SHIFT + - Go forwards to next location
View.ViewCode F7 View code
View.ViewDesigner SHIFT + F7 View designer when in markup
View.ViewMarkup SHIFT + F7 View markup when in designer
Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL + SHIFT + V Cycle through Visual Studio clipboard
Edit.GotoBrace CTRL + ] Jump to opposing brace / XML tag
Edit.GotoBraceExtend CTRL + SHIFT + ] Select text to the opposing brace / tag
Edit.GotoFindCombo CTRL + / Jump to the find combo in the toolbar
Window.ShowEzMDIFileList CTRL + ALT + DOWN ARROW Show popup of all open files
Debug.Start F5 Start with debugger
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging CTRL + F5 Start without debugger
Debug.Restart CTRL + SHIFT + F5 Restart the program
Debug.StopDebugging SHIFT + F5 Stop debugger
Debug.RunToCursor CTRL + F10 Run to the cursor
Debug.ToggleBreakpoint F9 Set / remove breakpoint
Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints CTRL + SHIFT + F9 Delete all breakpoints
Debug.EnableBreakpoint CTRL + F9 Enable a breakpoint
Debug.StepInto F11 Step into a method
Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11 Step out of a method
Debug.StepOver F10 Step over a line
Tools.RecordTemporaryMacro CTRL + SHIFT + R Start recording a macro
Tools.PlayTemporaryMacro CTRL + SHIFT + P Playback a macro


If you want an even more comprehensive list of keyboard combinations, you can check out the following links, or go exploring in Tools > Options > Keyboard in Visual studio.

C# Keybindings

VB Keybindings

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