Monday, July 27, 2009

What is AutoEventWireup?

ASP.NET page framework also supports an automatic way to associate page events and methods. If the AutoEventWireup attribute of the Page directive is set to true (or if it is missing, since by default it is true), the page framework calls page events automatically, specifically the Page_Init and Page_Load methods. In that case, no explicit Handles clause or delegate is needed.

The disadvantage of the AutoEventWireup attribute is that it requires that the page event handlers have specific, predictable names. This limits your flexibility in how you name your event handlers. Therefore, in Visual Studio, the AutoEventWireup attribute is set to false by default and the designer generates explicit code to bind page events to methods.

If you do set AutoEventWireup to true, Visual Studio will generate code to bind the events and the page framework will automatically call events based on their names. This can result in the same event code being called twice when the page runs. As a consequence, you should always leave AutoEventWireup set to false when working in Visual Studio.

For more information Click here

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

asp:Menu Server Control - Cross Browser Compatibility (Safari/Chrome)


Cross browser compatibility is upsetting while working with asp:Menu Server Control, and It was not rendering/working well with Safari and Chrome.

After bit of googling... :-) and found a solution for this.

Approach 1:

I have added below small piece of code snippet in my MasterPage's Page_Load event

        if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("AppleWebKit") > 0)

This will tell not to use an adapter when rendering the menu control. This will work for both Safari and chrome as well because they both use webkit which is how identifies.

Approach 2:

You can force the menu to work by overwrite the Page_PreInit method on the page and telling the page that the client target is a modern “uplevel” browser:-

protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.Request.ServerVariables["http_user_agent"].ToLower().Contains("safari"))
Page.ClientTarget = "uplevel";

Unfortunately, you can't just add the fix to your Master Page, it doesn't contain a PreInit method as it's a web control not a web page.

Please note that you have to do this in the page class file, and not in the master page class file. Obviously this means you have to do it for every page – which is not ideal.