Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sharepoint Resources

In Addition to the links that posted previously

Here are some more useful links Source:

Free SharePoint Web Parts (3rd Party)
ActiveX Scripting Web Part (Simon Mourier)
AD Management Web Part (Fabian)
Alert Manager, Subweb Viewer Web Parts (Mart Muller)
Avail Lists & Libraries (Sig Weber)
Blogparts (Steen Molberg)
Breadcrumb Site Navigation Web Part
Calculator & User Control Container Web Parts
Calendar Web Part (Custom)
cBlog (custom site def by Collutions)
Chart Web Part (Microsoft)
CheckPermsContent 1.0 (Stramit)
cMySites (Collutions)
Connected Page Viewer Web Part (Todd)
Countdown Web Part (P. Schaeflein)
cPageViewer (Collutions)
CSeg - SharePoint List Rollup (csegRollUp version 2)
cseg Search 1.2 (Google-like)
cseg Web Part Suite
csegAlerts user manager alerts webpart
csegMiniWiki for SharePoint csegRollUp 3.1 (the sharepoint aggregator)
cSegSmallCalendar Web Part
CSS Class Inspector Web Part
Date Time Web Part
DocLib Quick Launch (P. Schaeflein)
Document Library Browser v1.2 (Stramit)
Drop Down Navigator (McPherson)
Dynamic Page Viewer Web Part (B. Mixon)
Easy Tabs Web Part Events for You Web Part
Feed Reader (Smiling Goat)
Finder Web Part (McPherson)
Flash Movie, DocLib Utils/Explorer, FeedReader, My Workspaces Web Parts (SmilingGoat)
FlexListViewer: Display other Site lists w/o FrontPage GhostHunter Web Part (bluedoglimited) Google Search Web Part (Mark Wagner)
Hello Web Part
Image Upload Webpart (P. Schaeflein)
Image Web Part (FluidNature)
InfoPath Viewer (CSeg)
Inspector Web Part (bluedoglimited)
InstantFX SE MP3 Player Maker
Jan Tielens' SmartPart
Jan's Essential Web Parts (Navigation, MyAlerts, Breadcrumbs, WhatsNew)
Konrad Brunner - UGS's Web Parts (broken link 8/25)
ListCharts by Jesper Halvorsen
Macaw Discussion Board
Macaw TraceInfo Web Part (Victor Vogelpoel)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 List Web Part [MSFT]
Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2005 Web Parts
Milestone Countdown Web Part
My Alerts Web Part (via Brightwork - Registration Required)
My Sub Webs (Microsoft) New Window for List Items (Todd's Content Editor Web Part) News/Group Listings/List Items Scroller Web Part (Ted Teng) News/Listing Paging Script (Ted Teng)
Office 2003 Add-in: Web Parts and Components (v2 - 10/17/2005)
People Picker Web Part Portal Area Listings Rollup and RSS Syndicator Web Part (Tony Bierman)
Program's Unlimited - Calendar Webpart
Quick Launch Web Part (Bob Mixon)
Rate this Page Webpart (Microsoft)
Remote Desktop Webpart (Microsoft)
Reporting Services Web Parts (Bryant Likes) (rss)
Rights Checking Content Editor WebPart (RCCEWebPart by Tariq)
SharePoint Forums Web Part (Simser)
SharePoint List Browser/Copier
SharePoint List XML Viewer Utility
SharePoint Recycle Bin - Client Side Alternative (Todd)
SharePoint Recycle Bin 1.0 New & Improved SharePoint RSS/ATOM reader
SharePoint Scrollable Listings
SharePoint User List & Sample Web Part Code (Ingeborg Struijk)
SharePoint Web Part Code Snippets for VS 2005
SharePoint Web Parts for Microsoft Applications (10)
SharePointCustomization's Webparts
Sig Weber's Playground of Web Parts
SmartPart Sample: WSS Cross Site Search SmartPart User Controls
SPPageToolBar (James Milne's DVWP)
SPS Area Listings Rollup / RSS Syndication Web Part
Style Viewer Web Part StyleUnderCursor Web Part (T. Bleeker)
Subwebs On The Quick Launch (DVWP) Syndication Generator - Bluedoglimited (Maurice) Tree Menu Web Part for SPS/WSS (gotdotnet)
Upload via FrontPage RPC
Web Part ToolKit (BlueDogLimited )
What's New Web Part (Fitz)
Who's Online Web Part (HowTO by Bryant Likes)
WikiSharePoint version 1.0 (TamTam)
Windows Folder Web Part
Windows Folder Web Part
Windows SharePoint Services RSS (WSS-RSS)
Wrap Up Web Part Yazan's List Manager

Office 2007
Office "12" bloggers list
Office 2007 Links Galore (JOPX)
Content Type Technical Posters for Download
Bill Gates - SharePoint Conference 2006
2007 Microsoft Office System Beta 2
2007 Office System Reference Material

MOSS Tools
MOSS Business Data Catalog (BDC) MetaData Manager

SharePoint Tools
80-20 Compliance Server Beta (Records Management)
Active Directory Migration Tool v3.0
Adobe PDF Icon (Handy)
Audio Video IFilter - WMA, WMV, MP3 IFilter for Microsoft Indexing Service
Auto-Deployment of Sharepoint WebParts
CAML Editor by cSeg
CAML Query Builder and Execution Tool (U2U)
CAML Viewer 1.0 (Stramit)
cPassword (Collutions)
DAVCopy (Maurice)
Developer Project Kick Start for SharePoint Document Recovery Tool (Free from Stephane Cordonnier - Unsupported by MS)
Event Handler - JPEG Parser Free iFilters!
Free ifilters!!! (
IE Web Developer Accessories
iFilter Explorer (By Citeknet)
IntelliSense XML Files
James Milne's SharePoint CSS Skinner!
Log Parser 2.2
Lutz Roeder's Reflector
M. Greth's Password Changer (registration required)
Microsoft Application Center Test (ACT)
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer V1.2.1 (Mar 05)
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer v2.0 (for IT Professionals)
Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Technologies
Microsoft Office Information Bridge Framework 1.5 Resource Kit
Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server deployment
Microsoft SQL Server Report Pack for Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003
MSG iFilter
MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 (Microsoft XML Core Services)
Nigel Bridgeport's User Manager
Nigel's SPUM2003 X1.1 - (V1.0 will be SPUser.EXE)
Office Business Scorecards Accelerator
Office Web Components
Outlook Power Tool for SharePoint (By WinApp - Registration Required)
ReGhost.NET - (A Ghost Hunter Alternative for SharePoint)
ReGhost.NET (Alternative for ReGhosting)
Report Pack Source Code - GotDotNet Workspace
RSS for WSS 2.02 (D. Larson)
SharePad Reference Application for SharePoint Products and Technologies
SharePoint Advanced Search Tools (SAST)
SharePoint Alerts Report (French)
SharePoint BlogExtension (Maurice)
SharePoint Builder (SharePoint XML editor by B Simser)
SharePoint Configuration Analyzer v1.0
SharePoint Database Explorer & SPExport (J Edelen)
SharePoint Database Split
SharePoint Discovery Wizard (Quest)
Sharepoint Documents Mover (Mohamed Zaki)
SharePoint Explorer
SharePoint Import Export tools and other utilities
SharePoint Portal Area Explorer
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Discovery Kit
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Sample: Back Up and Restore
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Word Breaker Update
SharePoint Portal Server 2003: IntelliSense XML Files
SharePoint Query Builder Tool
SharePoint RSS/ATOM reader
SharePoint Site Collection Backup Script
SharePoint Site Manager (Permissions Mgmt)
SharePoint Site Permissions Manager
SharePoint Site Reports (gotdotnet)
SharePoint Site Template Language Converter
SharePoint Site Templates (30 New Templates!)
SharePoint Utility Suite 2.0
SharePoint Utility Suite 2.5 (K.Richie)
SharePoint/Visual Studio 2005 Web Part template project
SharePointFav 1.1 (updated)
Software Update for Web Folders
SPS Cross Forest People Picker
SPS Portal 2003 Search Web Service Tester
SPS2003 Search Web Service Tester (Travis)
spsbulkupload (Stuart Preston)
SPSReport Utility (Ryan Rogers)
SPSStatus 1.1 (Broken Link Detector by J. Milne)
SPUserUtil 2.1 (By KRICHIE)
SQL Report Pack for SharePoint (gotdotnet)
SQL Server 2005 Report Pack
SyncToy for Windows XP
Usage Event Logging in Windows SharePoint Services
Visio IFilter 2003 Add-in: Text Search in Visio Files
Visio Template for Designing SharePoint Sites
Web Part Manager (gotdotnet)
Web Part Package Installer
Web Part Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Web Part Templates for Visual Studio .NET
Web Site Test Tools and Site Management Tools
Windows Server 2003 Performance Advisor
Windows SharePoint Services: Document Library Event Handler Toolkit
Windows SharePoint Services: Usage Blob Parser
WPPackager for Packaging and Deploying Web Parts
WSS Language Template Pack
WSS Site List Details Utility FWP (Ian Morrish) (rss)
WSS URL Zone Administration Utility (T. Starr, MSFT)

SDKs & Guides
Backing Up and Restoring Web Sites
Be Prepared: A Guide to SharePoint Disaster Prevention and Recovery
BizTalk Server 2004 Installation Guide
Content Management Server 2002 Connector for SharePoint Evaluation Guide
Developing Web Parts for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 in .NET
FabriKam – The Microsoft Office System Solutions Learning Platform
InfoPath 2003 SDK
Microsoft Alerts Version 6.0 Software Development Kit
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Intranets
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Help
Office Business Scorecards Accelerator Admin Guide
Planning and Designing for Geographically Dispersed Sites
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Administrator's Guide
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Discovery Kit
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SDK (ver.Jan05)
SharePoint Portal Server Backup SPSBACKUP (By DanielD & Translated from German by Babelfish)
SharePoint Portal Server Backup STSADM (By DanielD & Translated from German by Babelfish)
SharePoint Site Creation - Step-by-Step (
SharePoint/SQL Server 2005 and .NET 2.0 whitepaper SQL Server 2005 System Views Poster The Secure Access Using Smart Cards Planning Guide
The Strong Name Key Pair Using Wppackager to Package and Deploy Web Parts
Windows SharePoint Services Administrator's Guide (1/20/2006)
Windows SharePoint Services SDK (ver.Mar05)

SharePoint Service Packs
Security Update for Windows SharePoint Services (KB887981)
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 1
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (10/18/05)
Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 1
Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 2 (9/27/05)
WSS 2.0 SP2 Beta in Windows Server 2003 R2
WSS Language Template Pack SP2 (Requires WSS SP2)

HowTo's and Tips
HowTO: Import User Profile Information of Enabled User Accounts from Active Directory to SPS 2003
HOWTO: Access WebPart Maintenance
HowTO: Setup Alerts for Portal Home Page Listings & Taxonomy Changes!
HowTo: Using LogParser 2.2 from the IIS resource kit
HowTo: Schedule backup with SPS Data Backup and Restore Utility
HowTo: Find out what version of SharePoint are you running
HowTo: Increase the 255 Character Limit in Doc Libs
HowTo: What Version of SharePoint is Running?
HowTo: Hide the Quick Launch Bar
HowTo: BreadCrumbTrail for SPS Areas (By Manuel)
HowTo: Technical SharePoint (and .NET) Fundamentals
HowTo: Dealing with Orphaned Sites
HowTo: SharePoint Stress Testing
HowTo: Build a SharePoint Newsletter Generator
HowTo: Synchronize document libraries with SyncToy 1.0
HowTo: Retain Lookup Column Data During List Migration
HowTo: Conduct Team-Based Development of WSS and SPS Apps
HOWTO: Use Virtual PC's Differencing Disks to your Advantage
HowTo: SharePoint Impersonation (via Todd Bleeker)
HowTo: SharePoint Impersonation (via Lois & Clark)
HowTo: SharePoint Impersonation (via Maurice)
Installing Business Scorecard Manager with SQL Server 2005
Tips from working on the SharePoint Force
Context Menus WSS 2003
HowTo: Extend WSS Logging
HowTo: Using VS2005 with SharePoint Forms-Based Authentication Solutions for WSS/SPS HowTo: Testing SharePoint Alerts in a Test Environment
SuperGeek Tip: Open off-site links in a new window
FrontPage 2003 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Caveats!
Tips for using Virtual PC
HowTo: Setting up your SharePoint Virtual Development Environment
Looking at Web Parts with Visual Studio 2005
More About Web Parts with ASP 2.0
Synchronizing a Remote Windows SharePoint Services Site via FrontPage
Using FrontPage 2003 to view Windows SharePoint Services usage data.
HowTo: Implementing the IDesignTimeHtmlProvider Interface
HowTo: Master Advanced List Editing in SharePoint
HowTo: Wrapping Web Controls into a Web Part
Performance Impact Results SQL Server 2000 vs SQL Server 2005 w/ SPS2003 SP2 Deployment and Customization Best Practices for Windows SharePoint Services
WSS Organizational Issues White Paper
WSS Step by Step
Opening Creating and Copying SharePoint Sites
WSS Advanced Design Techniques
SharePoint Impersonation using Com+ / Discussion of Methods
ASP.NET 2.0: Development Resources and Security Guidance
HowTo: Using a URL parameter to filter a Data View Web part
How To: Microsoft IT Manages SharePoint Disaster and Recovery
HowTo: Move SharePoint Subwebs using Smigrate
HowTo: Step/Step - Updating a WSS List from c#
HowTo: Create Your First C# Web Service

SharePoint Resources (Microsoft)
SPS 2003 - HowTo's & WhitePapers
SharePoint Webcasts
SharePoint Resource Kit Chapters
SharePoint Portal Server Technical Library
SPS 2003 - Microsoft "One Stop Shop Link Fest"
Microsoft Office System Solutions Learning Platform - FabriKam
Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Intranets
Office Business Scorecards Accelerator Support Resources
SharePoint Administrator Documentation and Resources
Free Site Templates from Microsoft
Creating Custom Web Part Page Templates Sample
SPS 2003 Training Kit
SharePointPSSearch SQL Syntax (Preview)
Spreadsheet WP Solution Specification File Schema Reference
SharePoint Downloads
Using CMS 2002 Connector for SharePoint
SharePoint Case Studies (Microsoft)
MSDN SharePoint Presentations
Forrester Report (2005) - Microsoft Leading the way in Portal Popularity

SharePoint Resources (Non-MS)
4 Guidelines to Drive SharePoint User Adoption
Brien Posey's SharePoint KB Articles
Commercial Listing of Web Parts (by JOPX)
Developing Web Parts for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 in .NET
GotDotNet - SharePoint archived posts
GotDotNet - SharePoint Tips/Samples/Webcasts
Heather Solomon's SharePoint Resource Page
Heather Solomon's Site Definition Mappings
Lamont's SharePoint Resources
Making SharePoint Webparts Interact
SharePoint Tips/Tricks/Resources (WorldWideWeb.DK)
SharePoint University (Community Forums) Webcasts
Ted Pattison Group Tips/Sample Code
WSS FAQ - Documents and Sites Resource
WSS FAQ - Home

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