Saturday, July 07, 2007

Asp.Net Ajax Resources

Asp.Net Ajax Resources, Links and Documentation

Getting Started
Installing ASP.NET AJAX
Sample ASP.NET AJAX Application
Introduction to the UpdatePanel Control
Introduction to the UpdateProgress Control
Introduction to the Timer Control

ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls
UpdatePanel Control Overview
The UpdatePanel Control
UpdateProgress Control Overview
The UpdateProgress Control
Timer Control Overview
The Timer Control
ScriptManager Control Overview

Client Scripting
Extending JavaScript with ASP.NET AJAX
Creating Custom Client Script in ASP.NET AJAX
Embedding a JavaScript File as a Resource in an Assembly
Embedding Localized Resources for a JavaScript File

Debugging and Tracing
ASP.NET AJAX Debugging and Tracing Overview

Web Services
Asynchronous Communication Layer Overview
Exposing Web Services to Client Script
Calling Web Services from Client Script
ASP.NET Application Services

Localization and Globalization
Localizing Resources for Component Libraries Overview
Globalizing a Date by Using Client Script
Embedding Localized Resources for a JavaScript File

Extending ASP.NET AJAX
Creating Custom ASP.NET AJAX Non-Visual Client Components
Creating Custom ASP.NET AJAX Client Controls
Adding Client Behaviors to Web Server Controls by Using ASP.NET AJAX Extensions
Adding Client Capabilities to a Web Server Control by Using ASP.NET AJAX Extensions

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